Friday, December 14, 2012

The CT shootings

This is such a depressing subject that I'm only going to speak of it once. Not that the subject doesn't deserve much more attention, I just can't bear to place my focus on it for much longer. I watched about 30 minutes of news coverage this afternoon. My eyes saw much more hurt than I ever want to see again. Tears spilled and I became overwhelmed like I'm sure all of you were too. So I did what was right for me. I turned off the tv and offered up my prayers for the victims, their friends, families, and each person who was effected by this tragedy. After praying I knew I needed to put my focus on happier things for my own sanity. So I started thanking God for the good things in our lives that have happened this week. My thanks were many. Focusing on the good things does help ease the pain of this tragic event. I can't change the events or take away anyone's pain but I know that being thankful has helped me.

May God bless the victims and their loved ones of the Connecticut shootings.

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