Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Years resolution

There's only five full days left in 2012. You know what that means, right? Resolutions. Have you thought about what changes you're going to make in the coming new year, if any?

I already decided last month what I was going to do for myself. I had been reading an article online about allergies and how to figure out if you have food allergies. I already know I have an allergy to wheat but I haven't been doing much about it other than making myself suffer by eating it. It's so hard to give up pizza, you know?

Anyway, the article that I was reading suggested listing all the symptoms you have, even stuff you think you can easily explain away like a throbbing toe you just bumped. List it all. Next was the obvious like actually giving up the suspected allergen. After 30 days, and then again at 60 days, you re-list your symptoms. Then you evaluate to see how things are working and if any of the symptoms on your list have resolved themselves. Seems easy enough so it's what I have resolved to do for myself in the new year, only I was starting a little early.

30 days have gone by. I have slipped a little bit and had some pizza. I also ate flour coated chicken a couple of times. Giving up wheat is pretty hard because it was probably 50% of my diet. Despite slipping a little bit I am seeing some of the more irritating things fall off my list of symptoms. At the 60 day mark I'll talk about some of them. For now though I have to mention one very obvious (to me) benefit of no wheat...inches lost. I've lost an inch on my hips and four inches off my waist. Never in all my years of dieting have I ever lost that many inches in just 30 days. Can't wait to see what happens at the 60 day mark, and the new year.

What's your resolution?

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