Sunday, December 16, 2012

10 foot rule

Last night I had an urgent need... Beef jerkey. Steve wanting to take care of me suggested we make a quick run to the local redneck store before they closed. He's pretty awesome like that. What other husband would take their wife out late at night for beef jerkey? Lol

As we were in line waiting to pay for our jerkey I had a coughing fit. When I started coughing I noticed people backed up as far as they could go. Or they switched lines completely to get away from me. Everyone wanted to stay at least ten feet from me. Can't say that I blame them, I do the same thing.

Today we had tons of Christmas shopping to do and people were crowding me uncomfortably. Time to break out my secret weapon... COUGH COUGH COUGH! People got the hell away from me fast!

Then tonight as I'm sitting at the hockey rink with almost no spectators, a guy came up next to me. Because of our height difference he would be in my way when the puck was on one side of the rink. Time to break out the secret weapon. COUGH COUGH COUGH. Very quickly he walked to the other side of the rink.

I now know how to get people away from me and clear out crowded isles fast. Tee hee!

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