Thursday, December 6, 2012


Car was in between her two jobs today when she remembered it was payday so she asked me if I would like to go to lunch with her. Her treat. I couldn't refuse. She chose the restaurant since she was paying. That's our rules, you pay, you choose. She wanted to eat local so she chose a place where I had eaten twice previous and neither time did I get good service.

We had a waitress I hadn't seen before so I had high hopes.

On the specials board they listed a gluten free pizza and Car wanted pizza so I asked her if she wanted to have the gluten free version to share. She agreed so that's what we ordered, plus some regular bread sticks for her.

Our order came and the waitress plopped down the pizza, literally. Then off she sped. The first piece was almost done when she came back to check on us. I remarked how good the pizza was considering it was gluten free. I've made gluten free pizzas at home that were nearly tasteless so I was impressed. The waitress then said, oh this isn't gluten free its regular. She then said, I didn't hear you order gluten free. Then she took off. Didn't offer to have a new one made or take the pizza off our bill.

Rather than argue the point with her dumb ass, or anyone else, I came home and went all over the Internet advertising for them. Then I got sick. By then the wheat in the pizza made me queasy, gave me a metallic taste in my mouth, and I had a bad asthma attack. All that from just one slice of pizza. Awesome.

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