Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A day with my daughter

Once a week Carley and I spend the day together doing errands, shopping, and of course we get lunch out. As of this morning I still wasn't sure what we were going to do today. After the diet coke woke me up a little bit I decided we would go to a larger city to shop and do lunch. So I woke her up and then went to shower. She was kind of out of it and thought I wanted to leave right away so she slapped a little make-up on and threw some clothes on. Basically she sported the fresh rolled out of bed look. When you're young and cute you can get away with that stuff. When you're my age you better not try it or you'll scare the pants off of people.

Off we went to the mall where we ate and shopped for a couple of hours. On our way home I saw the sign pointing the way to the local college where she was accepted to. She hadn't yet toured the campus; she chose it because its closest and small. On a whim I decided to take the exit and see if we could get a tour, or if not, get an appointment to do so.

In the 25 years since I last set foot on the campus the school has really grown. So much so that it looked nothing like it used to. We also had trouble finding the admissions office. Eventually we happened upon a nice student who led us to where we needed to go. We walked in and asked if we could get or schedule an appointment for a tour. Eric, a student employee, jumped up from his desk and volunteered to do it.

The tour was good but like any tour I take with Carley I always have to giggle. She's oblivious to the boys who stop and stare or practically walk into things while checking her out. It amuses me. While on the tour Eric talked a LOT, and always to me which I thought was odd. Shouldn't he be talking to Carley if she's the student? After the tour Eric told us to speak with the vets office because I had questions about military benefits. Then he told us to stop back into the office so he could look up Carley's student ID number so she could get her ID printed while we were there.

When we stopped back to see Eric he gave her the card with her student ID information on it so we could get it printed at the security office. When Eric gave her the card he also slipped her a little note with his number on it (see picture below). Isn't that weird? He barely acknowledged her during the tour, speaking mostly to me. There's never a dull moment when I go out with Carley. Poor Eric, he isn't going to get a call or text, Carley already has a boyfriend.

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