Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday snooze day

Today is probably going to be one of those rough days. Steve and I got very little sleep last night. We were on the phone with Casey from midnight until about 3am. Since this is a public blog I can't really go into detail at the moment. However I will say that we are teetering on the verge of our prayers being answered. If you pray, will you lift her up in prayer and ask that God will give her strength and direction? Also a lot of tips at her work to help her out. Thank you.

Domesticated bliss yesterday looks like a gigantic domesticated hangover today. My kitchen is a disaster despite the fact that I ran the dishwasher twice yesterday. I'll probably have to fill it twice again today and run the floor scrubber just to make the kitchen look semi normal. How can three people make that much mess?

This past weekend Steve jr sent a photo of our grandson, Jack (below). They enrolled him in hockey and soccer to wear him out a little bit. He's high energy and, with his dad leaving for Afghanistan soon, he needs an outlet other than rough housing with his dad. My husband and son are THRILLED that Jack is the third generation to play hockey. It's always been Steve sr's dream to one day play hockey with all his grand kids. When jack was on the phone I asked him if he enjoyed hockey and he said yes, but he likes soccer more. Both Steve's winced at that answer. Lol

This cold weather is making me really glad I knitted myself some fingerless mittens this past summer. Brr! It's cold in the house.

Last Saturday Steve and I went to our towns chamber of commerce banquet. He joined the chamber of commerce soon after taking his job in late March but hadn't been to one meeting yet. So the banquet seemed like a good idea to dive in and start getting involved in our community. I'm glad we went, he made some business contacts, and I met some people that I might be able to get involved with in charities. Yea! That's what I wanted, to find charities and actually meet people. Mid way through the business meeting portion, they had a drawing for about 40 different gifts from area businesses. Stuff like oil changes, gift certificates, quilts, pies, etc. wouldn't you know it, I won a pizza gift certificate and a t-shirt for the business. Figures huh? I can't eat that stuff, Steve doesn't care for pizza, and Carley can't eat it either. So I asked Steve to take the certificate to work and give it to someone deserving. It will be a nice night off from cooking for someone.

Now I'm off to go clean the kitchen hangover and pack my bags. I'm standing by just in case I need to run to Ohio for an extended stay. Have a wonderful, productive day everyone.