Friday, January 4, 2013


We have soy yogurt. It's a little thinner than what I like(I prefer Greek), but it's yogurt. Unfortunately the person whom the yogurt is for has deemed this, "yucky!" Sigh. She's used to stuff you get in the store that has fruit in and it's sweetened. I told her to put some fruit and honey in it and she refused saying it tasted like sour old milk. I got a spoon out and tried it for myself, it tastes like any other unsweetened yogurt you buy in the store. I put a little honey in it and it tasted fine. I kind of think the cold she has is affecting her tastebuds.

So what made this batch different from the others? Surprisingly not a whole lot. The first time I heated the almond milk and I think I may have heated it a little too much. The second try I left the almond milk out on the cupboard until it was room temperature. This time I used soy milk and put it on the cupboard to get to room temperature. However I'm impatient and didn't want to wait so I put the milk next to my crockpot that was cooking something on high so the milk would get to room temperature faster.


  1. Hmmmmm I am a greek yogurt fan myself, but this sounds yummy. It's hard to find lactose free yogurt, as my daughter is lactose intoll. I am inspired by your blog and have found a recipe for lactose free yogurt...I may just have to "play" in my kitchen this week. :)

  2. Do you have a yogurt maker? I've seen crockpot yogurt recipies but I bought a cheap ($25) maker on amazon because I'm a sucker for gadgets. I love gadgets so much that I'm already saving up for my next toy.

  3. Oh btw, little miss hater of this yogurt agreed to try it again in a smoothie form today along with raspberries and honey. She LOVED it. Funny how I told her to put honey in it the first time and she turned up her nose at me.
