Monday, February 4, 2013

Early gardening plus a freebie

It's probably a little early to start seeds indoors but I'm missing summer. Today I pulled out some seeds, trays, and pellets to see what I could plant. I don't have a huge garden so I try to use the space wisely. I grow things that are expensive in the store, like peppers and tomatoes. There's no substitute for homegrown tomatoes anyway. Watching things grow in my garden all summer is very satisfying. Today I started beefsteak tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, jalepenos, grand bell peppers, and California peppers. I don't know what the difference is between grand and California peppers but I'll mark them and see if I can figure it out in the summer.

This afternoon I saw a freebie posted for a 1 year subscription to Modern Farmer. I've never seen the magazine but I ordered it anyway. Sometimes the photos in those types of magazines give me new ideas for my own garden.

Speaking of new gardening ideas if you've been on Pinterest lately you've probably seen the photo of sunflowers, pole beans, and squash all planted together. It looks kind of messy but I have the perfect little area that I had planned on putting sunflowers anyway. I'm going to give it a try.

1 comment:

  1. I was just talkin to hubby the other day about when to start seeding inside....I was wondering if it was too early, but now you have me wanting to go buy seeds. lol I think you just gave me another weekend project. :)
