Thursday, February 28, 2013

Prayer Request

Earlier this week I heard that one of my favorite waitresses showed up for work with a black eye. Everyone who knows her knows that her boyfriend of 7 years isn't all that good to her so we all suspected that he hit her. I haven't been into the restaurant this week so I sent her a message on Facebook asking her if she was okay. Well, she's not. She swears that she really did fall but he is mentally abusive to her. So I asked her to meet me for coffee today so we could talk in person. Her boyfriend monitors all her time so I didn't have as much time with her as I wanted. However I did find out enough from her to know that it's been a long 7 years. On top of that she lost her dad almost exactly a year ago and her best friend two years before that, both during the month of March. She's still grieving and can't seem to pull herself up from the dumps because her boyfriend keeps knocking her down. This is where the request comes in... I'm asking you to lift Anne up in prayer. She needs strength, comfort, and she just needs to hear she's beautiful. She also needs the courage to get her GED. She was a teen mom and dropped out. She'd like to go to college but can't until she gets her GED. I told her I'd kick her butt until she had her diploma in her hands. She needs someone to cheer her on, so that's my job. I'm also going to see if Steve will give her the money she needs to take the test. But I'm asking you to put Anne on your prayer list. (Strength, comfort, to pass her GED, and to be told she's beautiful.). I realize you don't know her, but I do. She's a sweet person who genuinely cares about people. Now others need to care about her.

Thank you.

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