Thursday, November 1, 2012

Small world and a sick dog

Zipper kept us up all night long because he was crying and acting like he had to poop.  We kept taking him out but he wasn't able to go.  This morning he still wasn't better, he wouldn't eat or drink water either.  So I called a random vet that I found online and made him an appointment.  When the receptionist asked for my phone number she recognized my Ohio area code and remarked that her daughter lives in Ohio.  I asked where.  Turns out she's from the same town, and taught English to one of my kids.  The vet heard our conversation and joined in.  He and his wife (the receptionist) own the vet business.  Of course they were both dumbfounded why anyone would want to leave Ohio to come live in this little town. Lol. My thoughts exactly.

Zipper is still sick.  He got a shot and some antibiotics and was sent home to take a wait and see approach.  They're not sure if he swallowed a foreign substance or if he has the flu.  If he isn't eating by tomorrow I'll have to take him back for an X-ray.  The shot he gave him had steroids in it so that should increase his appetite.

I've never had to give any of my dogs antibiotics before but I figured it would be fairly easy, especially since they're sweet and Zipper loves sweet things.  I couldn't be more wrong.  When I tried to stick the dropper in his mouth he growled at me (a first) and then we did the tango trying to get him to eat it.  I ended up with more on me than in him. If nothing else it made him go drink water because he didn't like the taste in his mouth.

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